The island of the God Sun

According to mythology, when Zeus decided to split the Earth to the Olympian Gods, the God Sun was absent to one of the usual trips that he did to give light to the Earth. So, the rest of the Olympian Gods forgot to include him in the split. When he returned from his trip and realised what happened, Zeus wanted to repeat the split so that the Sun would not be wronged. But the Sun did not allow it because he could see a piece of land emerging from the depths of the sea. Then, he asked Zeus to give him the land that would emerge from the sea the following morning, when the sun would rise. So, Zeus called Lachesis, one of the three Fates, to give oath that this land would be the share of the God Sun. indeed, a beautiful island emerged from the sea, which was given to the Sun. He went and resided to this island with his wife, the Nymph Rhodes and had seven sons: Ochimos, Cercaphos, Makar, Aktion, Tenagis, Triops, Kandalos and one daughter, Electrioni. One of them Cercaphos had three more sons: Ialisos, Kamiros and Lindos and to whom he split the island in three equal shares.

 Since then, he continuously sends his rays of light to the beautiful island, which stands in the sea as the sunniest place on Earth.

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