Σύροι πρόσφυγες φτάνουν με φουσκωτό στην Κω – Δείτε φωτογραφίες

Δεκάδες Σύροι πρόσφυγες έφτασαν και σήμερα στην Κω αφήνοντας πίσω τους την κόλαση του πολέμου και του αλληλοσπαραγμού και ελπίζοντας σε μια καλύτερη ζωή για τους ίδιους και τα παιδιά τους.

Τουλάχιστον 124.000 μετανάστες και πρόσφυγες έχουν φτάσει μέχρι στιγμής φέτος στην Ελλάδα μέσω θαλάσσης, κάποιοι και μέσω Τουρκίας, σύμφωνα με την Ύπατη Αρμοστεία του ΟΗΕ για τους πρόσφυγες στην Ευρώπη.

Περίπου 1.400 άνθρωποι έφτασαν το πρωί από την Κω στον Πειραιά προκειμένου να συνεχίσουν το ταξίδι τους προς τον προορισμό τους που είναι συνήθως οι χώρες του ευρωπαϊκού βορρά.

Αλλά είναι προφανές πως όσο η αναταραχή στην Αφρική και τη Μέση Ανατολή συνεχίζεται και πολλές χώρες μαστίζονται από πόλεμο και συγκρούσεις, τα φουσκωτά με τους πρόσφυγες και τους μετανάστες δεν θα σταματήσουν να φτάνουν στις ευρωπαϊκές ακτές, κυρίως τις ελληνικές και τις ιταλικές.

A Syrian refugee carries a child as they arrive at a beach on the Greek island of Kos after crossing a part of the Aegean sea from Turkey to Greece on a dinghy August 13, 2015. The United Nations refugee agency (UNHCR) called on Greece to take control of the "total chaos" on Mediterranean islands, where thousands of migrants have landed. About 124,000 have arrived this year by sea, many via Turkey, according to Vincent Cochetel, UNHCR director for Europe.  REUTERS/Yannis Behrakis  TPX IMAGES OF THE DAY

A dinghy overcrowded with Syrian refugees approaches a beach on the Greek island of Kos after crossing a part of the Aegean sea from Turkey to Greece, August 13, 2015. The United Nations refugee agency (UNHCR) called on Greece to take control of the "total chaos" on Mediterranean islands, where thousands of migrants have landed. About 124,000 have arrived this year by sea, many via Turkey, according to Vincent Cochetel, UNHCR director for Europe.  REUTERS/Yannis Behrakis

A dinghy overcrowded with Syrian refugees approaches a beach on the Greek island of Kos after crossing a part of the Aegean sea from Turkey to Greece, August 13, 2015. The United Nations refugee agency (UNHCR) called on Greece to take control of the "total chaos" on Mediterranean islands, where thousands of migrants have landed. About 124,000 have arrived this year by sea, many via Turkey, according to Vincent Cochetel, UNHCR director for Europe.  REUTERS/Yannis Behrakis  TPX IMAGES OF THE DAY

A dinghy overcrowded with Syrian refugees approaches a beach on the Greek island of Kos after crossing a part of the Aegean sea from Turkey to Greece, August 13, 2015. The United Nations refugee agency (UNHCR) called on Greece to take control of the "total chaos" on Mediterranean islands, where thousands of migrants have landed. About 124,000 have arrived this year by sea, many via Turkey, according to Vincent Cochetel, UNHCR director for Europe.  REUTERS/Yannis Behrakis  TPX IMAGES OF THE DAY

Syrian refugees jump off a dinghy as they arrive at a beach on the Greek island of Kos after crossing a part of the Aegean sea from Turkey to Greece on a dinghy August 13, 2015. The United Nations refugee agency (UNHCR) called on Greece to take control of the "total chaos" on Mediterranean islands, where thousands of migrants have landed. About 124,000 have arrived this year by sea, many via Turkey, according to Vincent Cochetel, UNHCR director for Europe. REUTERS/Yannis Behrakis

A Syrian refugee child pauses moments after arriving at a beach on the Greek island of Kos after crossing a part of the Aegean sea from Turkey to Greece on a dinghy August 13, 2015. The United Nations refugee agency (UNHCR) called on Greece to take control of the "total chaos" on Mediterranean islands, where thousands of migrants have landed. About 124,000 have arrived this year by sea, many via Turkey, according to Vincent Cochetel, UNHCR director for Europe. REUTERS/Yannis Behrakis

Syrian refugees dress-up their child with dry clothes moments after arriving at a beach on the Greek island of Kos after crossing a part of the Aegean sea from Turkey to Greece on a dinghy August 13, 2015. The United Nations refugee agency (UNHCR) called on Greece to take control of the "total chaos" on Mediterranean islands, where thousands of migrants have landed. About 124,000 have arrived this year by sea, many via Turkey, according to Vincent Cochetel, UNHCR director for Europe. REUTERS/Yannis Behrakis

A Syrian refugee gives his wife water moments after arriving at a beach on the Greek island of Kos after crossing a part of the Aegean sea from Turkey to Greece on a dinghy August 13, 2015. The United Nations refugee agency (UNHCR) called on Greece to take control of the "total chaos" on Mediterranean islands, where thousands of migrants have landed. About 124,000 have arrived this year by sea, many via Turkey, according to Vincent Cochetel, UNHCR director for Europe. REUTERS/Yannis Behrakis

A Syrian refugee carries a child as they arrive at a beach on the Greek island of Kos after crossing a part of the Aegean sea from Turkey to Greece on a dinghy August 13, 2015. The United Nations refugee agency (UNHCR) called on Greece to take control of the "total chaos" on Mediterranean islands, where thousands of migrants have landed. About 124,000 have arrived this year by sea, many via Turkey, according to Vincent Cochetel, UNHCR director for Europe. REUTERS/Yannis Behrakis

A Syrian refugee carries a child as they arrive at a beach on the Greek island of Kos after crossing a part of the Aegean sea from Turkey to Greece on a dinghy August 13, 2015. The United Nations refugee agency (UNHCR) called on Greece to take control of the "total chaos" on Mediterranean islands, where thousands of migrants have landed. About 124,000 have arrived this year by sea, many via Turkey, according to Vincent Cochetel, UNHCR director for Europe. REUTERS/Yannis Behrakis

A Syrian refugee carries a child as they arrive at a beach on the Greek island of Kos after crossing a part of the Aegean sea from Turkey to Greece on a dinghy August 13, 2015. The United Nations refugee agency (UNHCR) called on Greece to take control of the "total chaos" on Mediterranean islands, where thousands of migrants have landed. About 124,000 have arrived this year by sea, many via Turkey, according to Vincent Cochetel, UNHCR director for Europe. REUTERS/Yannis Behrakis

Syrian refugees arrive at a beach on the Greek island of Kos after crossing a part of the Aegean sea from Turkey to Greece on a dinghy August 13, 2015. The United Nations refugee agency (UNHCR) called on Greece to take control of the "total chaos" on Mediterranean islands, where thousands of migrants have landed. About 124,000 have arrived this year by sea, many via Turkey, according to Vincent Cochetel, UNHCR director for Europe. REUTERS/Yannis Behrakis

Syrian refugees arrive at a beach on the Greek island of Kos after crossing a part of the Aegean sea from Turkey to Greece on a dinghy August 13, 2015. The United Nations refugee agency (UNHCR) called on Greece to take control of the "total chaos" on Mediterranean islands, where thousands of migrants have landed. About 124,000 have arrived this year by sea, many via Turkey, according to Vincent Cochetel, UNHCR director for Europe. REUTERS/Yannis Behrakis


Πηγή : newsbeast.gr


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