Ρόδος: Ευχαριστήριο τουριστών προς το Galazio Beach Bar που τους φιλοξένησε δωρεάν

Ακόμα ενα ευχαριστήριο απο τουρίστες που μέσα στην κόλαση που πέρασαν βρήκαν ανοιχτά σπίτια και επιχειρήσεις στη Ρόδο που τους συμπαραστάθηκαν και τους φιλοξένησαν με κάθε τρόπο.

Ένα απο τα πολλά και Galazio Beach Bar του Σωτήρη Βαγιανού που άνοιξε όλες τις επιχειρήσεις τους προς τους τουρίστες που είχαν ανάγκη.

We arrived in Rodi Island on Saturdays evening with our 3 and 5 years old kids and another family. We didn’t know about the fire. A couple of hours later flights to Rodi were cancelled. Our hotel was closed because of the fire and we didn’t know were to go. We slept in Rodi basket stadium thanks to people who gave their help and whatever could be needed. The day after, waiting for news about the fire, we looked for flight to came back to Italy but no flights were available till the end of the week and no hotels had rooms. Italian autorities that we called can’t gave us help. We met Sotiris Vagianos B at his beautiful beach bar in Faliraki and he immediately offered us his home for free, were we can rest, have a shower and sleep. The day after his family hosted us and other 90 people in a hotel that wasn’t still opened in the northern part of the island that is safe. Many thanks to Sotiris, his wife and daughters, his parents and family all. We wait for you in our town next winter. Thanks to Rodi people and their bid heart. #galazio beach bar #Maresea #Fresh hotel.

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