Kolymbia: Where Tranquility Meets Adventure – Discover the Exciting Activities Awaited in Rhodes’ Hidden Gem

Welcome to Kolymbia, a hidden gem nestled along the captivating coastline of Rhodes, Greece. With its serene beauty and inviting atmosphere, Kolymbia offers a perfect blend of tranquility and adventure for travelers seeking a unique experience. In this article, we will delve into the wonders of Kolymbia and unveil the exciting activities that await you in this coastal paradise. Get ready to embark on an unforgettable journey filled with exploration, relaxation, and thrilling adventures.

Bask in the Sun on Kolymbia’s Pristine Beaches:

  • Experience pure bliss as you soak up the Mediterranean sun on Kolymbia’s pristine beaches.
  • Relax on the golden sands, take refreshing dips in the crystal-clear waters, and enjoy the peaceful ambiance that surrounds you.
  • Indulge in beachside activities like beach volleyball, sunbathing, or simply strolling along the coast, taking in the breathtaking views.

Dive into Thrilling Water Sports:

  • For the adventure seekers, Kolymbia offers a wide range of exhilarating water sports at the nearby Tsambika Beach.
  • Try your hand at jet skiing, and feel the rush of adrenaline as you glide across the azure waters.
  • Snorkeling and scuba diving enthusiasts at Kolymbia can explore the vibrant underwater world, discovering colorful marine life and hidden treasures beneath the surface.

Explore Kolymbia’s Natural Beauty:

  • Lace up your hiking boots and set off on an adventure through the scenic landscapes surrounding Kolymbia.
  • Follow nature trails that lead you through rolling hills, verdant valleys, and fragrant pine forests, immersing yourself in the stunning surroundings.
  • Discover hidden gems like the enchanting lake at nearby Seven Springs area, where you can enjoy a peaceful walk and observe the diverse bird species that call the area home.
  • Walk the Theotokos Hill at the end of Eucalyptus Street and enjoy the Nature and the Great View

Uncover Kolymbia’s Rich Cultural Heritage:

  • Immerse yourself in the local culture and history by exploring Kolymbia’s cultural sites and landmarks.
  • Visit the historic Monastery of Tsambika, perched atop a hill, and enjoy panoramic views of the surrounding landscape.
  • Delve into the traditional Greek way of life by strolling through the charming streets, admiring the whitewashed houses, and experiencing the warm hospitality of the locals.

Enjoy Excursions to Nearby Attractions:

  • Take advantage of Kolymbia’s convenient location to explore the island’s top attractions.
  • Embark on a day trip to Rhodes Town, where you can explore the medieval streets of the Old Town, visit the Palace of the Grand Master, and experience the vibrant atmosphere of the Mandraki Harbor.
  • Venture to the picturesque village of Lindos, known for its ancient Acropolis, quaint architecture, and stunning coastal views.

Indulge in Gastronomic Delights:

  • Treat your taste buds to the flavors of Greece by savoring the local cuisine in Kolymbia’s charming tavernas and restaurants.
  • Sample fresh seafood dishes, traditional Greek delicacies, and delectable Mediterranean flavors prepared with locally sourced ingredients.
  • Enjoy an authentic dining experience, accompanied by warm hospitality and panoramic sea views.

Experience the Luxurious Hotels:

To enhance your stay in Kolymbia, indulge in the luxurious accommodations available in the area. These hotels offer a range of facilities to ensure a memorable and relaxing experience. Enjoy fully equipped gyms for your fitness needs, saunas and spa facilities for ultimate relaxation, and professional massage treatments to rejuvenate your body and mind. Additionally, on-site hairdressers and beauty salons provide convenient services to enhance your appearance. Engage in friendly matches on the tennis or volleyball courts, or challenge your companions to a game of ping pong. These hotels provide the perfect oasis of comfort and luxury, allowing you to enjoy Kolymbia to the fullest.

Central Location and Easy Access:

One of the major benefits of staying in Kolymbia is its central location on the island of Rhodes. Positioned between two famous destinations, the Medieval Town and Lindos, Kolymbia offers convenient access to both. You can easily explore the historic charm of the Medieval Town with its cobblestone streets, ancient architecture, and fascinating museums. Likewise, a visit to the stunning village of Lindos, with its acropolis perched on a hill and picturesque white houses, is just a short distance away. Additionally, Kolymbia provides easy access to other famous routes on the island, allowing you to discover the natural beauty, historical sites, and traditional villages that Rhodes has to offer.

Visit the Chapel of Saint Nicolas:

While exploring Kolymbia Harbor, don’t miss the opportunity to visit the Chapel of Saint Nicolas. To reach the chapel, head towards Eucalyptus Street and continue until you reach the end. From there, you can follow the signs or ask locals for directions to the chapel. This charming chapel holds religious significance and offers a serene atmosphere for reflection and contemplation. Take in the beautiful views of the harbor and surrounding landscape from this peaceful spot.

In conclusion, Kolymbia offers a delightful blend of natural beauty, cultural discoveries, and luxurious experiences. Whether you’re seeking relaxation, adventure, or culinary delights, this charming village has something for everyone. Immerse yourself in the treasures and experiences Kolymbia has to offer, and create memories that will last a lifetime.

Tip: Visit for gifts , local Olive Oil, Olives and unique handmade gifts the local shop “Secret Rhodes” at the end of Eucalyptus street !

Newborn Rhodian Horse
Newborn Rhodian Horse

Tip: Don’t miss the opportunity to witness a truly remarkable experience near Kolymbia – the chance to see the rare Rhodian small horses. These magnificent creatures, with their perfect body analogy and ancient breed heritage, are a testament to the island’s rich history and natural diversity. Visit the Faethon organization’s farm outside Archangelos village, where these precious horses are cared for and protected. It’s an exceptional opportunity to observe and appreciate the beauty of these unique animals, ensuring their preservation for future generations to cherish. Don’t miss this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to encounter the captivating Rhodian small horses and witness their rare existence firsthand.

Enjoy your time in Kolymbia and make the most of your journey through this captivating destination, including the remarkable experience of encountering the Rhodian small horses and supporting their conservation effo

“Kolymbia: Wo Ruhe auf Abenteuer trifft – Entdecken Sie die aufregenden Aktivitäten in Rhodes’ verborgenem Juwel”


Willkommen in Kolymbia, einem versteckten Juwel an der faszinierenden Küste von Rhodos, Griechenland. Mit seiner ruhigen Schönheit und einladenden Atmosphäre bietet Kolymbia eine perfekte Mischung aus Ruhe und Abenteuer für Reisende, die nach einer einzigartigen Erfahrung suchen. In diesem Artikel werden wir in die Wunder von Kolymbia eintauchen und die aufregenden Aktivitäten enthüllen, die Sie in diesem Küstenparadies erwarten. Machen Sie sich bereit für eine unvergessliche Reise voller Erkundung, Entspannung und aufregender Abenteuer.

  1. Sonnenbaden an den makellosen Stränden von Kolymbia:
  • Erleben Sie puren Genuss, während Sie die mediterrane Sonne an den makellosen Stränden von Kolymbia genießen.
  • Entspannen Sie sich auf dem goldenen Sand, nehmen Sie erfrischende Bäder im kristallklaren Wasser und genießen Sie die friedliche Atmosphäre um Sie herum.
  • Genießen Sie Strandaktivitäten wie Beachvolleyball, Sonnenbaden oder einen Spaziergang entlang der Küste, während Sie die atemberaubende Aussicht auf sich wirken lassen.
  1. Tauchen Sie ein in aufregende Wassersportarten:
  • Für Abenteuerlustige bietet Kolymbia eine Vielzahl aufregender Wassersportarten.
  • Versuchen Sie sich im Windsurfen, Kiteboarden oder Jet-Ski und spüren Sie den Adrenalinkick, während Sie über das azurblaue Wasser gleiten.
  • Schnorchel- und Tauchbegeisterte können die lebendige Unterwasserwelt erkunden und dabei farbenfrohe Meeresbewohner und verborgene Schätze entdecken.
  1. Erkunden Sie die natürliche Schönheit von Kolymbia:
  • Schnüren Sie Ihre Wanderschuhe und begeben Sie sich auf ein Abenteuer durch die malerischen Landschaften rund um Kolymbia.
  • Folgen Sie Naturpfaden, die Sie durch sanfte Hügel, grüne Täler und duftende Pinienwälder führen und tauchen Sie in die atemberaubende Umgebung ein.
  • Entdecken Sie versteckte Schätze wie den bezaubernden Kolymbia-See, wo Sie einen friedlichen Spaziergang unternehmen und die vielfältigen Vogelarten beobachten können, die dort heimisch sind.
  1. Entdecken Sie das reiche kulturelle Erbe von Kolymbia:
  • Tauchen Sie ein in die lokale Kultur und Geschichte, indem Sie die kulturellen Stätten und Sehenswürdigkeiten von Kolymbia erkunden.
  • Besuchen Sie das historische Kloster von Tsambika, das auf einem Hügel thront und einen atemberaubenden Panoramablick auf die umliegende Landschaft bietet.
  • Erleben Sie die traditionelle griechische Lebensweise, indem Sie durch die charmanten Straßen spazieren, die weiß getünchten Häuser bewundern und die herzliche Gastfreundschaft der Einheim

Tipp: Besuchen Sie für Geschenke, lokales Olivenöl, Oliven und einzigartige handgemachte Geschenke den örtlichen Laden “Secret Rhodes” am Ende der Eukalyptusstraße!

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